Where Is Sam???
Hi Friends! As you all know, I love to travel. I thought it would be fun to create a contest for you, my wonderful audience, to guess where I am in a never-before-seen picture from one of my trips! IfRead More
Hi Friends! As you all know, I love to travel. I thought it would be fun to create a contest for you, my wonderful audience, to guess where I am in a never-before-seen picture from one of my trips! IfRead More
For dinner on Thursday, we dressed to the nines and hit The Wake, the steakhouse on the ship. Let me start by saying I am a SNOB when it comes to clam chowder. As a New England native, I haveRead More
For our third day, we had another winery tour lined up. We ported in Cannes and took a bus over to Nice, where we had the opportunity to wander around their open-air market and sight-see before heading to Cave BianchiRead More
Sunday, we made our way to the cruise port and boarded the Scarlet Lady for Virgin Voyage’s French Daze and Ibiza Nights. Upon unpacking, we decided to explore the boat, so our first stop was the Galley. I beelined toRead More
Great news, friends! Your girl finally made it across the Atlantic Ocean. For my first (truly) international trip, the go big or go home mentality won the day with a jump over to Barcelona before embarking on a Virgin VoyagesRead More
As someone who has a fear of deep open waters, snorkeling wasn’t my first choice to spend my Saturday morning. However, when you’re in Hawaii with two of your best friends who are eager to go, do you really haveRead More
For my first documented trip, it only felt right to go to Hawaii for the first time. Kidding, I wish I could say that was the reason. I actually went to Hawaii with two of my closest friends as aRead More